10 Keys to a Successful IWMS Integration: Pt. 10, Automation

Friday, April 22, 2016

This week we are proud to bring you our final segment of our 10-Part series on successfully implementing an IWMS.  In this article we will discuss transitioning from a “Crystal Ball Mindset” to a “Successful Garden” approach.

An IWMS system is only as good as the data that is being fed into it. I have had experiences with clients when, after we have installed an IWMS system, they have come back to us and asked why they are not receiving the data in the reports that they want. We will go back and find out that no one has input data into the system, which is why there is no data, or incorrect data, in the reports.

IWMS Systems aren’t crystal balls, they’re a garden.

IWMS Systems and gardens work in a similar way. If you want to eat watermelon this fall, you’re going to have to plant and cultivate watermelon this spring and summer.

Similarly, if you want to understand your occupancy and vacancy, you’re going to have to synchronize employee data, walk the floors from time to time, and update data and reports for strategic planning. It’s the same thing with asset tracking, building operations, and lease management.  The system has to be carefully cultivated to be able to get the answers back in due time.

Solving problems is still possible.

All of this being said, an IWMS System is still the best way to get the data and information needed. It will help solve every problem that is present.

However, it’s not a crystal ball; it will only generate data if data is being regularly fed into it. The business process and the resources required to provide that information are very important. Once the reports are produced from the IWMS systems, the information that provided will help you continue to make strategic decisions when planning how to use and manage your space

There are 9 essential things that are needed to make your IWMS Systems garden grow.

  1. Have and Internal Champion 
  2. Appropriate IT Department collaboration 
  3. Define ownership
  4. Defined standards
  5. Understand your business process
  6. Pace yourself
  7. Exercise proper resourcing  
  8. Turn chaos into communication  
  9. Have accessible tools
  10. Input correct and correlated data

Keep it simple and straightforward

Extending the garden metaphor even further when talking about IWMS systems, if you want to be able to tell what you’re growing, you’re going to have to label everything and not mix seeds.

If you want better data, keep it simple. Use the proper resources to input valid data to reap labeled, precise results.

 IWMS Systems, while not a crystal ball, can still get you the answers you need – provided that they are fed the right data.

If you’re ready to make sure that your IWMS System is being properly fed and maintained, we’d love to help you get everything squared away so that your reports are top-notch. Just give us a call.

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